Little changes, big difference

Hello everyone and have a beautiful start of the week with many smiles and friendly people around!

I’m sitting here in my office/shala/Unfold your mat’s living room with a cup of coffee next to me, doing some reading, studying and checking to do lists. The balcony door is open and it’s cold ( but the coffee is warm 🙂 ) and I’m not running away from it. It’s nice to feel the icy smell of winter.

Recently I start caring more about NOT to hide from the cold anymore. Living in the North of Europe has definitely changed my perception about how important is to adapt to the environment. If you cannot change it, why complain about it?

I’ve always liked summers and sunny weather. I used to wait impatiently for the summer to arrive and hide inside when the winter would start. In order to change your life, you must first change your thoughts. There is no other way. Since I moved to Gothenburg, Sweden I learned how important it is to adapt to nature, to the climate conditions and not try to escape from it. I also start to develop a new hobby, trekking. Despite the weather conditions, just be there outside with any chance.


I always liked the forest and trekking, walking between the trees just makes me so happy, calm and peaceful. If you ask me to choose between the sea and the mountains, I will not know what to answer. I simply like nature. Good that we have both. It’s beautiful, always exciting, full of surprises and the place where I feel so free. Living in Gothenburg has many advantages among which having the nature so close to the city. It’s so easy to get there, just dress yourself according to the weather and get outside. There is a Norwegian saying “There is no such thing at bad weather, only bad clothing.” and I totally agree with it.

So get outside and experience how little changes make such a big difference.



Stories of a new entrepreneur

Being self-employed has many ups and downs, but it is definitely the place where I found my freedom and the opportunity to do everything I complained I cannot do when I was working for other companies. There gonna be good days and many more bad days, but in the end it’s up to you how you handle it, take decisions and keep going, because this is only the beginning. Most of the time you gonna meet resistance. You gonna meet a loooot of people that do not believe in you and do NOT believe in your dream. Some are gonna tell you straight forward, others you gonna have to read the skepticism on their face. It is not easy to cope with that, but the only thing that matters is to trust yourself and stop listening to what others have to say. It is your life! What you do does not affect anyone but yourself. On the road to success most of the people will not support you. Be a grown up and accept it! Most of the people will smile to you only when they can see concrete results and only when you reach small milestones.

I love what I’m doing and I’m thankful to the skeptical people for showing me that I’m doing the right thing. That if I want to be brave and build up this dream, then I would better trust myself so badly even though I will have to stand up alone.

My dream is to be a professional yoga teacher. I am dreaming that some day I will be able to survive from teaching yoga.I mean I love it, but everyone has to pay bills in this modern society. Your dream might be different from mine but that’s not what it matters. What it matters is to follow it. You should better start working on that. This life it’s too short and most of the time we forget about it. Maybe it is because we are still young, maybe because we get into a vicious circle from where it’s hard to see the light, maybe because we are too brainwashed by what we were told to be the only way to follow, maybe because we refuse to believe it, BUT it is SHORT and you’d better start living it. If you don’t start living your dream and stop hiding into your comfort zone, you will end up building other people’s dreams.

Knowledge is useless unless you use it wisely.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying to become hippie over night even though you can be a hippie if that’s what makes you happy. You can be whatever you want to be BUT be HAPPY! Having a dream is the starting point but then you need a plan and set some goals. Nothing happens over night. You need to stop being a chicken and assume it, that there is a lot of work involved, but it is rewarding when you do something that you love. You are actually given the chance to trust yourself, to learn how to finally do that and be whoever you want to be.Just be!

Don’t wait too long and don’t wait for dramatic life changes to wake you up. Preferably would be to open your eyes before that happens.


A new wanna-be entrepreneur  🙂

De vorba cu o lilla gumman

Intorcandu-ma ieri acasa am gasit in fata cladirii noastre o batranica impingand un rollator, un carut pe care multi varstnici suedezi il folosesc ca sa se poata deplasa singuri atunci cand ies la plimbare. Carutul este pe patru roti, cu doua coarne pe care se pot sprijini in timpul mersului.  Inca o dovada de cat de important este pentru un suedez sa fie independent indiferent de varsta. In loc sa se planga de batranete, gasesc posibilitati sa continue sa isi poarte singuri de grija. Foarte vorbareata, ma abordeaza de la cativa metri.

Ea: Oi oi oi Este prima data cand ies singura la plimbare anul acesta.

Eu: Zambesc!

Ea: Stii ca am avut doua infarturi intr-o singura zi anul trecut de Pasti?

Eu: Oi oi oi

Ea: Se apuca sa imi povesteasca viata ei din ultimele luni.

Eu: Ingan ceva si ii spun ca sper ca imi intelege suedeza de incepatoare.Zambesc zambesc zambesc…

Ea: Dar de cat timp esti aici?

Eu: De 11 luni.

Ea: De 11 luni?? Vai, dar vorbesti atat de bine! Ce incepatoare? Vorbesti de parca ai locuit aici ani la randul! Auzi dar tu de unde esti?

Eu: Din Romania.

Ea: Si unde ai fost inainte sa te muti in Suedia?

Eu: In Cracovia, Polonia.

Ea: Daca ar fi putut ar fi topait de bucurie. Vai dar ce frumos! E atat de frumoasa Cracovia! Så vackert! Så vackert! Am si eu o prietena care a stat multi ani acolo. Stii, copiii mei sunt göteborskare ( adica tipici locuitori ai Göteborgului), dar eu nu! Eu desi stau aici de 50 de ani ( Vai 50 de ani!), eu sunt 100% stockholmare. Eu de acolo sunt, din Stockholm 🙂

Eu: E frumos Stockholm! Are un aer asa…regal 🙂

Ea: Stockholm? Vai dar Stockholm e superb! Dar pe vremea mea nu era Vänsterbron…Auzi tu stii cat de batrana sunt eu?

Eu: Mmmm nu…

Ea: 87! Am 87 de ani ( Si rade ) si le-am spus deja copiiilor mei ca n-am de gand sa mor inainte de 100. Asa ca sa stie!

Eu: Zambesc, zambesc, zambesc si parca as strange-o in brate.

Ea: Auzi…lycka till! Jag hoppas att du kommer att trivas här! Lycka till i livet! ( Hai, mult succes! Sper ca o sa iti placa aici in Suedia! Mult succes in viata!)

Eu: Intru in cladire si ma intreb…Trebuie oare ca un suedez sa ajunga la varsta asta ca sa poata vorbi atat de sincer si deschis cu un strain? Ce e viata?!